
Model Identifier
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This is the model with unfitted parameters described in the article
Dynamic rerouting of the carbohydrate flux is key to counteracting oxidative stress
Markus Ralser, Mirjam M Wamelink, Axel Kowald, Birgit Gerisch, Gino Heeren, Eduard A Struys, Edda Klipp, Cornelis Jakobs, Michael Breitenbach, Hans Lehrach and Sylvia Krobitsch, J Biol 2007 6(4):10; PMID: 18154684 , doi: 10.1186/jbiol61
BACKGROUND: Eukaryotic cells have evolved various response mechanisms to counteract the deleterious consequences of oxidative stress. Among these processes, metabolic alterations seem to play an important role.
RESULTS: We recently discovered that yeast cells with reduced activity of the key glycolytic enzyme triosephosphate isomerase exhibit an increased resistance to the thiol-oxidizing reagent diamide. Here we show that this phenotype is conserved in Caenorhabditis elegans and that the underlying mechanism is based on a redirection of the metabolic flux from glycolysis to the pentose phosphate pathway, altering the redox equilibrium of the cytoplasmic NADP(H) pool. Remarkably, another key glycolytic enzyme, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH), is known to be inactivated in response to various oxidant treatments, and we show that this provokes a similar redirection of the metabolic flux.
CONCLUSION: The naturally occurring inactivation of GAPDH functions as a metabolic switch for rerouting the carbohydrate flux to counteract oxidative stress. As a consequence, altering the homoeostasis of cytoplasmic metabolites is a fundamental mechanism for balancing the redox state of eukaryotic cells under stress conditions.

Different realtive enzyme velocities can be simulated by varying the parameters k_rel_TPI and k_rel_GAPDH .

This model originates from BioModels Database: A Database of Annotated Published Models. It is copyright (c) 2005-2010 The BioModels Team.
For more information see the terms of use .
To cite BioModels Database, please use Le Novère N., Bornstein B., Broicher A., Courtot M., Donizelli M., Dharuri H., Li L., Sauro H., Schilstra M., Shapiro B., Snoep J.L., Hucka M. (2006) BioModels Database: A Free, Centralized Database of Curated, Published, Quantitative Kinetic Models of Biochemical and Cellular Systems Nucleic Acids Res., 34: D689-D691.

Related Publication
  • Dynamic rerouting of the carbohydrate flux is key to counteracting oxidative stress.
  • Markus Ralser, Mirjam M Wamelink, Axel Kowald, Birgit Gerisch, Gino Heeren, Eduard A Struys, Edda Klipp, Cornelis Jakobs, Michael Breitenbach, Hans Lehrach, Sylvia Krobitsch
  • Journal of biology , 12/ 2007 , Volume 6 , Issue 4 , pages: 10 , PubMed ID: 18154684
Submitter of the first revision: Kieran Smallbone
Submitter of this revision: Lucian Smith
Curator: Lucian Smith
Modeller: Kieran Smallbone

Metadata information

is (2 statements)
BioModels Database BIOMD0000000247
BioModels Database MODEL1003300000

isDerivedFrom (1 statement)
BioModels Database BIOMD0000000064

isDescribedBy (1 statement)
PubMed 18154684

hasTaxon (1 statement)
isVersionOf (1 statement)
hasVersion (5 statements)
hasProperty (1 statement)
Mathematical Modelling Ontology Ordinary differential equation model

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