Model Identifier
Short description

This is the core model described in the article:
Covering a Broad Dynamic Range: Information Processing at the Erythropoietin Receptor
Verena Becker, Marcel Schilling, Julie Bachmann, Ute Baumann, Andreas Raue, Thomas Maiwald, Jens Timmer and Ursula Klingmüller; Science Published Online May 20, 2010; DOI: 10.1126/science.1184913 PMID: 20488988
Cell surface receptors convert extracellular cues into receptor activation, thereby triggering intracellular signaling networks and controlling cellular decisions. A major unresolved issue is the identification of receptor properties that critically determine processing of ligand-encoded information. We show by mathematical modeling of quantitative data and experimental validation that rapid ligand depletion and replenishment of cell surface receptor are characteristic features of the erythropoietin (Epo) receptor (EpoR). The amount of Epo-EpoR complexes and EpoR activation integrated over time corresponds linearly to ligand input, covering a broad range of ligand concentrations. This relation solely depends on EpoR turnover independent of ligand binding, suggesting an essential role of large intracellular receptor pools. These receptor properties enable the system to cope with basal and acute demand in the hematopoietic system.

SBML model exported from PottersWheel.

% PottersWheel model definition file

function m = BeckerSchilling2010_EpoR_CoreModel()

m             = pwGetEmptyModel();

%% Meta information

m.ID          = 'BeckerSchilling2010_EpoR_CoreModel';        = 'BeckerSchilling2010_EpoR_CoreModel';
m.description = 'BeckerSchilling2010_EpoR_CoreModel';
m.authors     = {'Verena Becker',' Marcel Schilling'};
m.dates       = {'2010'};
m.type        = 'PW-2-0-42';

%% X: Dynamic variables
% m = pwAddX(m, ID, startValue, type, minValue, maxValue, unit, compartment, name, description, typeOfStartValue)

m = pwAddX(m, 'EpoR'     ,     516, 'fix'   ,    0, 10000,   [], 'cell', []  , []  , []             , []  , 'protein.generic');
m = pwAddX(m, 'Epo'      , 2030.19, 'global', 1890,  2310,   [], 'cell', []  , []  , []             , []  , 'protein.generic');
m = pwAddX(m, 'Epo_EpoR' ,       0, 'fix'   ,    0, 10000,   [], 'cell', []  , []  , []             , []  , 'protein.generic');
m = pwAddX(m, 'Epo_EpoRi',       0, 'fix'   ,    0, 10000,   [], 'cell', []  , []  , []             , []  , 'protein.generic');
m = pwAddX(m, 'dEpoi'    ,       0, 'fix'   ,    0, 10000,   [], 'cell', []  , []  , []             , []  , 'protein.generic');
m = pwAddX(m, 'dEpoe'    ,       0, 'fix'   ,    0, 10000,   [], 'cell', []  , []  , []             , []  , 'protein.generic');

%% R: Reactions
% m = pwAddR(m, reactants, products, modifiers, type, options, rateSignature, parameters, description, ID, name, fast, compartments, parameterTrunks, designerPropsR, stoichiometry, reversible)

m = pwAddR(m, {            }, {'EpoR'      }, {  }, 'C' , [] , 'k1*k2', {'kt','Bmax'}, [], 'reaction0001');
m = pwAddR(m, {'EpoR'      }, {            }, {  }, 'MA', [] , []     , {'kt'       }, [], 'reaction0002');
m = pwAddR(m, {'Epo','EpoR'}, {'Epo_EpoR'  }, {  }, 'MA', [] , []     , {'kon'      }, [], 'reaction0003');
m = pwAddR(m, {'Epo_EpoR'  }, {'Epo','EpoR'}, {  }, 'MA', [] , []     , {'koff'     }, [], 'reaction0004');
m = pwAddR(m, {'Epo_EpoR'  }, {'Epo_EpoRi' }, {  }, 'MA', [] , []     , {'ke'       }, [], 'reaction0005');
m = pwAddR(m, {'Epo_EpoRi' }, {'Epo','EpoR'}, {  }, 'MA', [] , []     , {'kex'      }, [], 'reaction0006');
m = pwAddR(m, {'Epo_EpoRi' }, {'dEpoi'     }, {  }, 'MA', [] , []     , {'kdi'      }, [], 'reaction0007');
m = pwAddR(m, {'Epo_EpoRi' }, {'dEpoe'     }, {  }, 'MA', [] , []     , {'kde'      }, [], 'reaction0008');

%% C: Compartments
% m = pwAddC(m, ID, size,  outside, spatialDimensions, name, unit, constant)

m = pwAddC(m, 'cell', 1);

%% K: Dynamical parameters
% m = pwAddK(m, ID, value, type, minValue, maxValue, unit, name, description)

m = pwAddK(m, 'kt'  , 0.0329366 , 'global', 1e-007, 1000);
m = pwAddK(m, 'Bmax', 516       , 'fix'   , 492   , 540 );
m = pwAddK(m, 'kon' , 0.00010496, 'global', 1e-007, 1000);
m = pwAddK(m, 'koff', 0.0172135 , 'global', 1e-007, 1000);
m = pwAddK(m, 'ke'  , 0.0748267 , 'global', 1e-007, 1000);
m = pwAddK(m, 'kex' , 0.00993805, 'global', 1e-007, 1000);
m = pwAddK(m, 'kdi' , 0.00317871, 'global', 1e-007, 1000);
m = pwAddK(m, 'kde' , 0.0164042 , 'global', 1e-007, 1000);

%% Default sampling time points
m.t = 0:3:99;

%% Y: Observables
% m = pwAddY(m, rhs, ID, scalingParameter, errorModel, noiseType, unit, name, description, alternativeIDs, designerProps)

m = pwAddY(m, 'Epo + dEpoe'      , 'Epo_extracellular_obs');
m = pwAddY(m, 'Epo_EpoR'         , 'Epo_cellsurface_obs'  );
m = pwAddY(m, 'Epo_EpoRi + dEpoi', 'Epo_intracellular_obs');

%% S: Scaling parameters
% m = pwAddS(m, ID, value, type, minValue, maxValue, unit, name, description)

m = pwAddS(m, 'scale_Epo_extracellular_obs', 1, 'fix', 0, 100);
m = pwAddS(m, 'scale_Epo_cellsurface_obs'  , 1, 'fix', 0, 100);
m = pwAddS(m, 'scale_Epo_intracellular_obs', 1, 'fix', 0, 100);

%% Designer properties (do not modify)
m.designerPropsM = [1 1 1 0 0 0 400 250 600 400 1 1 1 0 0 0 0];

This model originates from BioModels Database: A Database of Annotated Published Models. It is copyright (c) 2005-2010 The Team.
For more information see the terms of use .
To cite BioModels Database, please use: Li C, Donizelli M, Rodriguez N, Dharuri H, Endler L, Chelliah V, Li L, He E, Henry A, Stefan MI, Snoep JL, Hucka M, Le Novère N, Laibe C (2010) BioModels Database: An enhanced, curated and annotated resource for published quantitative kinetic models. BMC Syst Biol., 4:92.

Related Publication
  • Covering a broad dynamic range: information processing at the erythropoietin receptor.
  • Verena Becker, Marcel Schilling, Julie Bachmann, Ute Baumann, Andreas Raue, Thomas Maiwald, Jens Timmer, Ursula Klingmüller
  • Science (New York, N.Y.) , 6/ 2010 , Volume 328 , Issue 5984 , pages: 1404-1408 , PubMed ID: 20488988
Submitter of the first revision: Verena Becker
Submitter of this revision: Lucian Smith
Curator: Lucian Smith
Modeller: Verena Becker

Metadata information

is (2 statements)
BioModels Database BIOMD0000000271
BioModels Database MODEL1005260000

isDescribedBy (1 statement)
PubMed 20488988

hasTaxon (2 statements)
Taxonomy Murinae
Brenda Tissue Ontology hematopoietic cell line

isVersionOf (1 statement)
isPartOf (2 statements)
hasProperty (1 statement)
Mathematical Modelling Ontology Ordinary differential equation model

Curation status

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