This a model from the article:
Mitochondrial energetic metabolism: a simplified model of TCA cycle with ATP production.
Nazaret C, Heiske M, Thurley K, Mazat JP J. Theor. Biol.
2009 Jun;258(3):455-64 19007794
Mitochondria play a central role in cellular energetic metabolism. The essential parts of this metabolism are the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle, the respiratory chain and the adenosine triphosphate (ATP) synthesis machinery. Here a simplified model of these three metabolic components with a limited set of differential equations is presented. The existence of a steady state is demonstrated and results of numerical simulations are presented. The relevance of a simple model to represent actual in vivo behavior is discussed.
Mitochondrial energetic metabolism: a simplified model of TCA cycle with ATP production.
- Christine Nazaret, Margit Heiske, Kevin Thurley, Jean-Pierre Mazat
- Journal of theoretical biology , 6/ 2009 , Volume 258 , Issue 3 , pages: 455-464 , PubMed ID: 19007794
Submitter of this revision: Lucian Smith
Curator: Lucian Smith
Modeller: Kieran Smallbone
Metadata information
isDescribedBy (1 statement)
hasTaxon (1 statement)
hasVersion (4 statements)
Gene Ontology ATP biosynthetic process
Gene Ontology respiratory chain
KEGG Pathway Citrate cycle (TCA cycle) - Homo sapiens (human)
isPartOf (3 statements)
Reactome REACT_2124
Reactome Respiratory electron transport, ATP synthesis by chemiosmotic coupling, and heat production by uncoupling proteins.
hasProperty (1 statement)
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