Ibrahim2008 - Mitotic Spindle Assembly Checkpoint - Convey variant

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Ibrahim2008 - Mitotic Spindle Assembly Checkpoint - Convey variant

The Mitotic Spindle Assembly Checkpoint ((M)SAC) is an evolutionary conserved mechanism. This model incorporates the perspectives of three central control pathways, namely Mad1/Mad2 induced Cdc20 sequestering based on the Template Model, MCC formation, and APC inhibition. MCC:APC dissociation is described by two alternatives models, namely the "Dissociation" and the "Convey" model variants. Both these model are available in BioModels Database. This model corresponds to the "Convey" variant.

This model is described in the article:

Ibrahim B, Diekmann S, Schmitt E, Dittrich P
PLoS One. 2008 Feb 6;3(2):e1555.


BACKGROUND: The Mitotic Spindle Assembly Checkpoint ((M)SAC) is an evolutionary conserved mechanism that ensures the correct segregation of chromosomes by restraining cell cycle progression from entering anaphase until all chromosomes have made proper bipolar attachments to the mitotic spindle. Its malfunction can lead to cancer.

PRINCIPLE FINDINGS: We have constructed and validated for the human (M)SAC mechanism an in silico dynamical model, integrating 11 proteins and complexes. The model incorporates the perspectives of three central control pathways, namely Mad1/Mad2 induced Cdc20 sequestering based on the Template Model, MCC formation, and APC inhibition. Originating from the biochemical reactions for the underlying molecular processes, non-linear ordinary differential equations for the concentrations of 11 proteins and complexes of the (M)SAC are derived. Most of the kinetic constants are taken from literature, the remaining four unknown parameters are derived by an evolutionary optimization procedure for an objective function describing the dynamics of the APC:Cdc20 complex. MCC:APC dissociation is described by two alternatives, namely the "Dissociation" and the "Convey" model variants. The attachment of the kinetochore to microtubuli is simulated by a switching parameter silencing those reactions which are stopped by the attachment. For both, the Dissociation and the Convey variants, we compare two different scenarios concerning the microtubule attachment dependent control of the dissociation reaction. Our model is validated by simulation of ten perturbation experiments.

CONCLUSION: Only in the controlled case, our models show (M)SAC behaviour at meta- to anaphase transition in agreement with experimental observations. Our simulations revealed that for (M)SAC activation, Cdc20 is not fully sequestered; instead APC is inhibited by MCC binding.

This model describes the controlled dissociation variant of the mitotic spindle assembly checkpoint. If the tool you use has problems with events, you can uncomment the assignment rules for u and u_prime and comment out the list of events.

In accordance with the authors due to typos in the original publication some initial conditions and parameters were slightly changed in the model:

article model
[O-Mad2] 1.5e-7 M 1.3e-7 M
[BubR1:Bub3] 1.30e-7 M 1.27e-7 M
k -4 0.01 M -1 s -1 0.02 M -1 s -1
k -5 0.1 M -1 s -1 0.2 M -1 s -1

To the extent possible under law, all copyright and related or neighbouring rights to this encoded model have been dedicated to the public domain worldwide. Please refer to CC0 Public Domain Dedication for more information.

Related Publication
  • In-silico modeling of the mitotic spindle assembly checkpoint.
  • Bashar Ibrahim, Stephan Diekmann, Eberhard Schmitt, Peter Dittrich
  • PloS one , 2/ 2008 , Volume 3 , Issue 2 , pages: e1555 , PubMed ID: 18253502
Submitter of the first revision: Bashar Ibrahim
Submitter of this revision: Lucian Smith
Curator: Lucian Smith
Modeller: Bashar Ibrahim

Metadata information

is (2 statements)
BioModels Database BIOMD0000000187
BioModels Database MODEL6655578762

isDescribedBy (1 statement)
PubMed 18253502

isDerivedFrom (1 statement)
PubMed 15694304

hasTaxon (1 statement)
Taxonomy Homo sapiens

isVersionOf (2 statements)
isPartOf (1 statement)
hasProperty (1 statement)
Mathematical Modelling Ontology Ordinary differential equation model

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